
Role featuresJob descriptions, career ladders and other HR materials

  • Role features

    "Share the Care" Assessment of Team Roles and Tasks

    This is an example of a planning tool, to assess who is currently doing what tasks in your practice and then who should be doing each task, based on how we learned that LEAP sites define clear roles and responsibilities. Task distribution will vary from practice to practice, but the tool is in the discussion about roles that this worksheet can stimulate. Your practice may be able to redestribute tasks in a way that better fits your workforce and patient needs.

  • Role features

    Clinical Pharmacist Job Description

    Here is the job description of the pharmacist at HVMA, reflecting how the role is connected to the primary care team.

  • Role features

    Care Team Roles and Responsibilities with Clinical Pharmacist

    See how one LEAP site sees the role of the pharmacist, in this diagram of roles and responsibilities from Cambridge Health Alliance, Union Square Family Health.


  • Video

    Role of the Clinical Pharmacist

    Learn how the Clinical Pharmacist is an integral part of the care team at one LEAP site, Union Square Family Health Center - Cambridge Health Alliance. The Clinical Pharmacist actively collaborates with patients and care team members, including medication review with patients, consultation with team members, planning visits, and participation in team huddles and panel management meetings. This video includes footage from the front lines, captured by LEAP site staff members themselves.

ToolkitsImplementation guides and other documents with extensive resources included

Patient materialsAction plans, brochures, team cards, welcome letters

  • Patient materials

    Patient Diabetes Education Materials - used by Pharmacist

    Pharmacists can work with patients to help them manage their chronic conditions through self-management support. See how one LEAP site developed materials for a series of patient visits with the Pharmacist focused on health education and goal setting.

Staff trainingTutorials, training manuals, etc.