
Other pages: 

  • Search (link is to search results for keyword "nurse", no need to proof results, just language used for title)
  • Ask for info / Full Assessment  - the first time you access this you'll recieve a popup box asking for some information, please proof.  Once dismissed you'll access a list of what are called Assessment questions.  Please proof each one on this page.  They are also shown distributed throughout the topics listed above under Team and Work sections.  You should only have to proof them on the full assessment page linked in this bullet.


Description of pages:

  • For each "Topic" page (that is each item under "Team" and "Work" landing pages) we have an introductory content and  four tabs "overview, Action steps, Tools & Resources, and Feedback".  Please proof the content on each tab.
  • Within the Action steps tab on all topics, each numbered action step can have attached "resources".  These resources are also presented in the Tools & Resources tab.  So you should only need to proof the resources wihtin the Tools & Resources section.